Join us for the 28th Annual Men's Cigar Dinner on Thursday, Oct. 24. This men's event benefits the Mark Mandeville Bursar of the Christ the King Education Endowment Fund.
Join for the best steaks, wine and, of course, your favorite cigars to raise money for Christ The King.
Cocktails at 6 p.m.
Dinner at 7 p.m.
Location: Marquette School Playground (under the big tent on the field)
Purchase a table or individual tickets, and review the food and cigar menu below. Questions: Please email Sam Littlefield ([email protected]) or Price Atkins ([email protected]).
About the Cigar Dinner Over its history, the Cigar Dinner has annually brought several hundred men, both from within and from outside the Christ the King community, together in a fun, albeit somewhat smoky atmosphere. In addition to the fun and the many stories for those who have attended regularly, the Cigar Dinner has raised well in excess of $500,000 for the CTK Education Endowment Fund. It has been a success from both a community and financial standpoint and it is hoped that it will continue for years to come.