This Advent, we invite you to pray with us using the Gospel of Luke.
To draw closer and deepen our relationship with Him, we encourage you to pray with the Gospel of Luke every day (Dec. 1-24) using a method of prayer called lectio divina (divine reading).
Additionally, participants will be invited to join Fr. Elkin on December 5 and December 19 from noon to 1 p.m. as he hosts two optional Zoom meetings (details will be sent closer to the event dates). Father will share his insights on the readings to date, offer key takeaways, and facilitate a reflective conversation so everyone can share.
Challenge How-To:
Pick a partner (spouse, sibling, friend, etc.) for accountability.
Read one chapter of the Gospel of Luke every day starting on Dec. 1 and ending on Dec. 24 (aligning perfectly with the 24 chapters of Luke).