Join Fr. Elkin, Fr. Ditzel, Caitlyn Gonya (Director of Mission and Faith Formation), and Mari Pittman (Coordinator of Family Ministry) on Wednesday, Feb. 5, from 6-7:30 p.m. as together we "make room for Sunday."
A holy day of rest, Sunday is becoming harder and harder to protect from the busyness of everyday life. Therefore, Fr. Elkin will present to the adults the origins of The Lord's Day through a Biblical lens and provide strategies to help parishioners prioritize the day for faith, rest, and family.
Mari and Cailtyn will lead the children (kindergarten and up) in hands-on activities focused on the Sabbath and our patroness of the year, Stella Maris.
6 p.m. - Dinner
6:30-7:30 p.m. - Presentation by Fr. Elkin and kids break-out session
Childcare will be provided (18 months - pre-kindergarten). Dinner will be provided at childcare. Kindergartners through adults will eat in Fletcher Hall.
All ages and stages are invited!
Changing our culture starts with changing our weekly habits, so we hope you will join us!