The men of our parish are invited to our Men's Spirituality Dinner on November 20 featuring Fr. Gary Kastl, Vicar General for the Diocese of Tulsa and Eastern Oklahoma, as he expands on the topic "The Catholic Meaning of Leadership."
Father Gary Kastl serves as the Vicar General for the Diocese of Tulsa and Eastern Oklahoma by assisting Bishop Konderla in the governance of the entire diocese. He is charged with understanding and implementing the vision of the Bishop of Tulsa in order to serve the various needs throughout the diocese. As Moderator of the Curia, Father Kastl assists the Bishop by ensuring the offices of the chancery fulfill their duties with a spirit of service and excellence. Father Kastl graduated from Conception Seminary College with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Liberal Arts and continued his theological studies and formation at St. Meinrad School of Theology in southern Indiana. He was ordained a priest in 2007. In addition to being the Vicar General, Fr. Kastl is a board member of the Saint Francis Health System, and the Chaplain to Legatus.