The disciples asked Jesus, "Where do you dwell?" and Jesus responded, "Come and see."
The Order of Initiation of Adults (OCIA), what we used to call RCIA, is the process by which persons interested in becoming Catholic formally join the Church through the prayerful study of our faith. The class teaches about the mystery of the Catholic faith and life with the opportunity for Baptism and entering into full communion with the Catholic Church.
Join us every Tuesday night from 6:30-8 p.m. for Faith Alive, a faith formation class encompassing the Order of Christian Initiation of Adults (OCIA). Faith Alive will allow our community to come together each week to not only grow in our understanding of the Church and Her teachings but to bring it to life through prayer, meditation, presentations on a diverse range of Catholic topics, discussion, and fellowship.
For those who want to become Catholic, Faith Alive is the preparation class we will use to administer all of the content, discernment, and liturgical rites for you to enter the Church.
For those who need a refresher or wish to grow deeper in their faith, Faith Alive is the perfect place to ask questions and learn more.
Oct. 15 - The Journey of Faith