"For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, a stranger and you welcomed me, naked and you clothed me, ill and you cared for me, in prison and you visited me."
-Matthew 25: 35-36
Christ calls us to serve Him in the poor and vulnerable. Connect with one of our service ministries to live out this call to serve Him.
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The Outreach Ministry assists families that struggle at the poverty line and families that need assistance due to unforeseen circumstances such as job loss or sickness. Limited financial assistance for utilities, rent, prescriptions or other items are provided on a case-by-case basis. Referrals to other service agencies are provided for additional support and for situations out of our scope of service. New members are always paired with experienced members when going on a home visit. Days and times of home visits vary, and we work with our members’ availability.
The Outreach phone number is 918-760-7443.
The Social Justic Commission is a ministry composed of parishioners who volunteer their service to evaluate the social concerns of the parish and community at large. A commission that seeks to serve Jesus in the poor and suffering members of our community, their goal is to bring an awareness of these issues to the parish so that we can respond. Events sponsored by the commission include:
This ministry takes place at David L. Moss Correctional Center. Once approved, applicants need to complete a training session. Jail ministers serve in a variety of ways including as liturgical assistants and sacristans at Mass. Additionally, they prepare volunteers from among the groups of men and women attendees to prepare to serve as lectors. Jail ministers often go into the pods where inmates live to deliver bibles, rosaries and other spiritual books. Opportunities are also available to lead Bible studies and prayer groups.
Pastoral Care ministers visit the sick who are homebound or in nursing care facilities and sometimes bring the Eucharist (in this case volunteers must be commissioned Eucharistic Ministers).
The purpose of this ministry is to provide and foster a hospitable and liturgically-focused environment where parishioners are encouraged into a deeper relationship with God and neighbor. Parishioners are responsible for making sure the church is hospitable and prayerful for weekend Mass and decorate for liturgical seasons. Decorating the church for Christmas and Easter requires many hands to hang the garland and wreaths, place the flowers, and other seasonal chores. It is also a lot of fun!
Provide support for parish office staff. Volunteers are needed on occasion to assist with: mailings, data entry and various receptionist duties. Individual arrangements can be made.
Coffee, donuts and other refreshments are served after the 8 a.m. and 9:15 a.m. Sunday Masses throughout the year. Volunteer hosts are needed to set up, keep the coffee refreshed, and clean up afterwards. This is a great way to get to know your fellow parishioners.
Funeral meals are one of the most compassionate and thoughtful expressions of Christian charity. Volunteers are most appreciated to make dishes, and bring to the parish kitchen prior to the service. There is also a need for volunteers to serve and clean up following the dinners. Time commitment is approximately two hours.
Ministers send greeting cards to parishioners for anniversaries, baptisms, weddings, deaths, illness, new babies and to our homebound parishioners. Cards are purchased, addressed, stamped and brought to the Parish Office for the pastor to sign and offer his sentiments. The cards are then mailed.
This ministry meets once a month to make rosaries for various CTK organizations, missions, and St. Francis Hospital. Beginners to seasoned makers are welcome. They make knotted, beaded and wire rosaries. It is a great time to learn a skill, bring something wonderful into someone’s life and enjoy the company of others.
The King's Quilts and Crafters focus on various projects that either directly benefit the parish community or the community-at-large. They make Christmas gifts for the parish shut-ins. They also make baby quilts, hats and clothing for Madonna House, Birthright and Catholic Charities. Prior experience is not required. Members can help you learn a skill, sewing, quilting, knitting or crocheting. They meet approximately every two weeks on Saturday from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. in the quilting room in the basement of the ECDC building.
The parish relies on a team of trusted and confidential members to assist in processing each week’s stewardship collections received during Mass. This team of volunteers work in a secure and confidential way in cooperation with the pastor and business office. Experience operating adding machines is preferred.
This ministry is an informal group of parishioners who come together, at the request of the pastor, to host parish social events. When an event is scheduled, members receive an email with the event and a list of tasks to be performed. Members volunteer to handle everything from set up to food prep and serving, and are encouraged to invite other parishioners to help. Annual events include: Parish Picnic, Easter Vigil Reception, Parish Mission Dinners, Spirituality Series breakfasts, etc. Members volunteer when available.